web Browser hacking

GFI LANguard

GFI LANguard
GFI LANguard is a complete network vulnerability management solution that allows you to scan, detect, assess and remediate security vulnerabilities and provides patch management functionality. This solution scans the entire network, performs over 15,000 vulnerability assessments and identifies possible security threats. The complete and thorough vulnerability assessment database includes standards such as OVAL (2,000+ checks) and SANS Top 20.

Download Free

SQLI Helper

 SQLI Helper

SQLI Helper SQL injection tool.


Record and Replay all remote user sessions on your network servers. Any remote access or console session is searchable and ready for playback! Protocol-agnostic: ObserveIT records Terminal Server, Citrix, Remote Desktop, SSH, VMware and more.
ObserveIT makes easy work out of security audits by generating video and text logs for everything that happens on your servers. (Even for apps that don't have their own internal logs!) You'll be up and running in minutes.

Download Free

Havij SQL Injection Tool


Havij is a automated SQL Injection tool. That makes hacking data bases and websites very easy, with a few clicks!

Download Havij Pro With Crack / Serial Number
Password: allitemz.blogspot.com
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